audit service

We provide practical solutions of statutory audit and non-statury

Statutory Audit

According to the companies ordinance, the annual finacial statemnts of a limited company incorporated in Honk Kong is required to be audit by a requalified accountant with a practicing certificate issued by the Hong Kong institure of certified public accountacts (HKCPA).

We are experienced in handiling diffrent business audits. No matter if you are services indutry, trading, retailing, manufacuture, etc, we will support in preparing the statutory audit financiala statements including balance sheets, income statements and cash flow statements.
Part of the audit arragement services is to carry out the stock movemetns checking in the intervening period and to ensure the year-ended stock balance for audit purpose

Noon Staturory audit and review services

According clients unique requirement and situation, wearrange the special audit services as follows.

1. Internal operation and internal control review
2. Evaluate the strength and wekness of company's internal operation, control system and stock-taking system
3. Identifying company's hidden problesms , under-performing assents and system
4. Sale of business valuation and revaluation of assets value (including financial assets and property revaluation)
5.fraud investigation
6.Due diligent report for menger & quisition

We provide pratical Hong Kong accountact services and soluctions. ouraudit fee starts form HK$5,000. Please contact us our accountacts for free initial consultation & quotation.

Accountats Telephone E-mail
Mr. Anuary Msimbe +225 685567461
Ms. aziza salum 225 7567461