Company Secretarial services

According to section 154 of Hong companies ordinance,

1. Every company must appoint a company secretary (to ensure compliance with ongoing legal returns, accoutns, audit and other requirements).
2.The company Secretary must be an ordinarily resident in Hong Kong, a HK qualified accouting professional, a HK qualified professional or a "HK turst or company service Providers Ilicensee".
3.If the shareholder and the director are two separete person, the either one of them can be appointed as company secretary.
4.If the shareholder and Director is the same person or the same copany, then a third party (individual or compay) should be appointed as company secretary.
5.the sole director of a company shall not alse be the company secretary.
6.Company secretary is statutory role, which i s not personal assintant for the directors Executives

The main duty and responsibilites of compay secretary are:

1.Manage and keep the company's statutory book (register of shareholders/ directors).
2.Organizing and withnessing required meeting of directors and shareholders alongside prepartion of minutes
3.Prepating and Foling annual returns to the Honk Kong companies Registry .
4.Aktermation of director ro comapy secretary
5.Trans fer of share and share allotment
6.Change the name of Company
7.Change company registered address
8.Ensuring that company complies with relevant laws and regulations

Our prefessuibak abd experienced team can provide hong kong secretarial services to your company. The followign is our Speical package excludes gaoverment fees)

Company secreatary special package
(HK$2,500 HK$1,400 per year)

1. Profit Accouting acting as company secreatary for your company
2. Prepare and filing of annual returns to the HK companies Registry
3. Provide advisory service to your company's secreatarial
4. We cgarge seoarately on all other works that we have to do in the capacity of comapny secreatary

Desugbated Representative services

Form 1 march 2018 hong kong incorparated comapny must

1). Designate at least one person as its prepresentative to provide assitance realating to the company's segnificant contorllers Register to law enforcement officer 2.appoint one of the following person as the company's designted representative

a) A member, director or an employee of the comapny who is a natural person resident in hong kong or
b. write here descirption

Signficant controlllers register ("SCR")

Form 1 march 2018 hong kong incorparated comapny must

1).taje reasonable steps to indentify its significant conrollers
2.Give notices and obtain required particulars of significant controllers
3.Enter the required particulars of its significant contorlleers in the SCR and keep them up to date
4.Keep its SCR as the comapny's resitered office or a place in HOng kong, and
5. Allowing inpection by law enforcement officer.
Fallure to comply with the SCR oblifations or made false statemetn is criminal offence the company and very responsible person of the company are liable to a fine at lever 4 (i,e. HK$25,000). Where applicable, there is further daily fine of HK$700.

the above is an extraction notes which does not constiture legal advice, for details of the SRC compliance, please refere to the External circular and publicatios of the Hong Kong companies registry.