Accouting services

Section 5ic of the Hong Kong inland revnue ordinace requires every person carrying on a trade, profession or business in Hong kong to keep sufficient records in the english or chinese language of his income and expendigture to enable the assessabel profit to be readily ascretained and shall retain such records for not less than 7 yeaer

Failure to comply with the record keeping requirements under section 5ic of ther ordinance shall be guilty of an offence and will be subject to a maximum fine of HK$100,000

Advanteges of accouting and book-keeping services

1. Getting to know the company's financial position regularly.
2. Early revealing of the company's cirses and assisting on seeking soluctions.
3. Maintaining a clear and systematic system for the company.
4. prevention of misappropriation of the company's assets.

companies can subcotract its acccouting and book-keeping duties in order to minimize its operation costs, and enabling your to user the time explore more opportunites. The service has the following characteristics.

1.Standard fee with a pre-determined fee schedule, clients can estimate the service fee according the actual number of transctions.
2. Computerize accounting records for permanent store
3. Prepare general ledger, cash account, bank account, receivable and Accounts Payamble.
4.Prepare bank Reconciliation Statement
5. Preparation of financial statements including balance sheet and income Statements

We provide pratical Hong Kong accountact services and soluctions. ouraudit fee starts form HK$5,000. Please contact us our accountacts for free initial consultation & quotation.

Accountats Telephone E-mail
Mr. Anuary Msimbe <+225 685567461
Ms. aziza salum 225 7567461